CROSQ RQI in Energy Strategy 2020 to 2030

The CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards & Quality’s (CROSQ) Energy Programme is guided by the CARICOM Energy Unit, in alignment with the CARICOM Energy Policy and the CSERMS [Caribbean Sustainable Energy Roadmap and Strategy]. To achieve its objectives in this regard CROSQ has developed strategic alliances with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), a partner of the CARICOM Energy Unit, and reinforced its collaboration with the German Metrology Institute called Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), a long-time collaborator of CROSQ. CROSQ has also actively seeking to build a relationship with the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency which is a new agency created to serve as the implementation arm of the CARICOM Energy Unit.

This Strategy details the collaborations CROSQ has successfully embarked on to complete numerous initiatives/projects with these agencies, and further outlines the roadmap for future quality-related developments.

CROSQ RQI in Energy Strategy 2020 to 2030.