CROSQ Energy Information Portal

Since the energy crisis of the last decade, energy costs, usage, and efficiency have become watch words in the Caribbean Region. Several projects have been undertaken examining this thing called energy and how to use it more effectively, and moreover, how to utilise the renewables in the energy sector that have not been previously tapped into and exploited to their fullest.

Why It Matters?

Do you use Air Conditioners, LED Bulbs, Refrigerators, or other electronic devices?

Every year most Caribbean governments spend millions on oil imports – about 70% of which goes towards some form of energy/electricity provision. Being efficient and saving money on electricity means those funds can be invested elsewhere in your local economy. So make the right choice when you shop for electrical items. Every little bit helps!

Latest Posts

Retailers to Learn Ins and Outs of CARICOM EE Labels

30th March 2023

Regional retailers of select appliances to undergo training in CARICOM EE Labels.

Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards Launches Testing Centre of Excellence for Energy Efficiency Lighting

28th November 2022

Trinidad and Tobago Launches its Centre of Excellence for testing lighting products.

CROSQ’s Energy Thrust Gains Momentum

9th December 2021

CROSQ’s campaign to increase the use of quality systems in the energy sector…

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