Belize Bureau of Standards

The Belize Bureau of Standards, in its effort to support and promote sustainable consumption in Belize and the greater CARICOM Region, has been actively collaborating with stakeholders, regulators and businesses alike, to introduce a CARICOM Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme.  This scheme based on existing CARICOM Regional Standards for air conditioners, refrigerators and light bulbs drives at the heart of making standards relevant for consumers in small developing nation states.  More so, it speaks further to our shared commitment to mainstream standards to the benefit of consumers particularly, those that are most vulnerable. At the same time, it reaffirms the need to chip away at reducing the impact of non-renewable sources of energy on service oriented and resource-based economies.

Belize is now eagerly working to pilot this first, voluntary scheme of its kind, across major importers/suppliers for these specific appliances. This is a major step towards forging public-private partnerships to bring change to the cultural mindset on the socio-economic contributions of standards to the consuming public. Most importantly, it will serve to filter and gradually weed out the existing market for inefficient appliances that are known to easily circulate in markets where no supporting scheme of frameworks exist.  With the expectation of a successful pilot, the Bureau intends to use this initiative as a platform for future gains to be attained for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, to support other national and regional initiatives. In fact, it has triggered interest to immediately pursue other standards pertinent to building codes. While, at the initial stages, the BBS is presently, with the support of the CARICOM Regional Organization for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) seeking to build momentum for national uptake of the CARICOM Regional Energy Efficiency Building Code.

The BBS is grateful to its partners in facilitating this agenda and proudly stands ready to contribute in this collective and sustained effort for meaningful change.

“This page is made possible with funding from the Energy for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Caribbean Buildings Project. The content is the sole responsibility of the National Standards Body and does not reflect the views of the ESD or any of its partners.”